Payment Terms

What form of payment can I use to make the purchase?

We have the following payment methods at your disposal:
- Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal.


In case of payment in "CASH ON DELIVERY" and therefore refusal of the package, CIVICO41 has the full right to activate reimbursement of expenses of € 15.00 for lost shipment.

For payment on delivery contact us directly on Whatsapp

Why was my credit card declined?

Your credit card may be declined for one of the following reasons:

- the card may have expired. Verify that the credit card expiration date is valid;

- the spending limit of the card may have been reached. Check with the bank that the amount limit allowed to make purchases has not been exceeded;

- it is possible that the entered data is not correct. Check that all the data entered in the necessary fields are correct.

Is it safe to use a credit card on the website?

Yes, the data is transmitted in encrypted form with an SSL protocol. For Visa and Mastercard payments, only CES Secure Electronic Commerce transactions will be accepted). After verifying that the credit card is accepted by the CES system, the system gets in touch with the issuing bank in order to allow the buyer to make the purchase. Once the bank has confirmed the authenticity of the card, the debit is made. Otherwise the order is cancelled.